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Make data-driven decisions

Analyze analytics, sales, and marketing reports from a single platform. See which channels are driving the most leads for your business and make informed decisions about how to adjust your campaigns.

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Track calls, leads and sales

Track your calls and monitor leads and sales in one dashboard. Find out what marketing channel generated a lead and access call details and recordings.

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Make your marketing better

Marketing is all about the practices of doing more of what works well and less of what doesn't. With the right reporting, you have the edge to make those informed decisions and adjust your campaigns to stay ahead of the curve.

How Does Intelligence work?


Find everything you need to understand your website traffic and leads in one dashboard. Gone are the days of fumbling around complex analytics programs.


Compare results from different time periods quickly and easily so you can check which changes you're making are working and where more improvements can be made.


Place call tracking numbers on your ads or social profiles so you can see exactly where call-in leads found your business. Score leads, rate calls, and listen back to recordings to drive more insights or coach your team.

Get in touch

Contact iHeart Business Solutions today to learn more about our Business Solutions service by filling out the form below.